I’m an illustrator and graphic designer from Rome, even though I’m of Chinese descent at my core I’m a true Roman. After graduating from the scientific High School I approached the world of art attending Rome Academy of Fine Arts, where I had the chance to improve my drawing skills and first came in contact with the world of graphic design. It was from this union of traditional and digital arts that my journey began.
I love Rome, it’s the city where I was born and the one I grew up in, it’s chaotic, magical, full of history as well as of flaws.
Everyone knows Rome and the tourists who come here should be able to bring back home with them not only nice memories but, also, something that can concretely remind them the beauty and the magnificence of this city. I’ve decided to take part in this project because I believe RomaID could give Rome a new kind of visibility. RomaID is, in fact, the only project able to show off this city’s history by reinterpreting it in an innovative way, through the use both of new styles and a new perspective on territorial marketing.
RomaID is a project of Italia Identity srls
Administrative headquarters Via Siria 24, 00179 Rome - Headquarters Viale Parioli 87, 00197 Roma
Email: info@romaid.it - Pec: italiaidentity@legalmail.it
VAT number 14188041009 - Rea number: 1502623