Born in Rome, I’ve started drawing since I was a child and what was, at first, just a game, soon became a hobby and then a job. In 2016 I won the Silent Book Contest, which allowed me to publish my first book and start my career as a freelancer.
Since I’m from Rome I’ve decided to take part in RomaID and give my personal contribution to a project which strives to enhance its inherent value, so that tourists who come to visit this beautiful city, full of history and art, may bring back home a memory far from common places.
I’ve chosen Castel Sant’Angelo because Rome is a city whose heritage spans many different centuries and Castel Sant’Angelo is probably the best monument to represent this sequence of eras, since it has been first a mausoleum, then a fortress and, lastly, a prison during Papal Rome.
I’ve decided to represent it nowadays, focusing on Sant’Angelo bridge, positioned right in front of it and always full of street artists, jugglers, painters and families taking a walk.
I’m happy to be part of this project and I hope many other artists will take an interest in RomaID, in order to fully enhance Rome’s undeniable value.
RomaID is a project of Italia Identity srls
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